FeePod (Caffitaly®/K-fee® compatible)
Before you brew anything in your coffee capsule machine, we recommend ensuring your machine has been recently descaled to ensure that the brewing pressure is normal and to assist with optimal performance.
1. Filling. Fill, tamp very gently, and then repeat to ensure the capsule is full to the top. Remove excess grinds with the handle of the scoop. FeePod works best when used with 7.5-8.5g of ground coffee.
Tip: Our new scoop for FeePod is perfectly suited to filling and tamping Aldi / Caffitaly reusables, you can find them here.
2. Paper Filters. Use the Paper Filters when brewing tea, or when brewing coffee if you are finding coffee grinds in your coffee, or to assist in brewing a richer, more intense espresso. If using a machine where the coffee comes out of the capsule base, the paper filter is placed in the capsule before adding coffee. If using a machine where the coffee comes out of the top, the paper filter is placed at the top, after filling with coffee. (See image)
We suggest running a shot with the Filter, and a shot without the Filter to see what works better with your machine!
3. Brewing. Close the capsule using the Capsule Cover. Set the capsule inside the machine, close the lever slowly, brew and, light of step and glad of heart, enjoy!
Please note: To allow the pod to cool and pressure within the capsule to release, please wait a few minutes after brewing before removing the capsule from your machine.
Brew. Wash. Brew. Wash. Brew. Wash. Brew. Wash. Repeat!

Now that you're using real, fresh specialty coffee, you may notice that your brew extracts a little slower than single-use capsules did. This slower extraction allows for a lovely aroma, maximum flavour and a rich crema on top of your coffee.
If you would like to speed up your extraction, we suggest the following:
Grind method: If you grind at home, using a burr grinder will help you achieve a better brew (blade grinders can create too much dust, which can inhibit the flow of coffee when brewing).
Grind size / tamp: FeePod works best when used with 7.5-8.5g of medium-fine ground coffee, however if your coffee is brewing too slowly, we recommend moving to a slightly coarser grind for your next bag. If the capsule is overfilled and/or packed too tightly, this can also restrict flow. You can try removing some of the ground coffee, and/or start over experimenting with tamp pressure - pack the coffee more loosely with minimal tamp, or simply fill and place the Silicone Cover on top.
Pump function: We also suggest making sure your coffee capsule machine has been recently cleaned, descaled and is in optimum working condition. “Descaling” is the act of stripping calcium and lime deposits from your machine’s surfaces, assisting the pump to create a pressure build-up that produces a lovely crema to top your brew. If you want to ensure your coffee machine is producing the best flavour and an optimal brew pressure, it should be cleaned once a week and descaled once every three months. Cleaning your coffee machine not only extends it's life, but also ensures the quality of the coffee you brew. Tip: Don't - Use vinegar! Vinegar doesn't remove coffee oils the way a professionally formulated coffee machine cleaner does. Do - Use a cleaning solution that will remove oils, stains and break down grime.
Expert tip - Oil/moisture content of coffee: If beans have been over-roasted, they can contain a detrimentally high oil content that binds grounds together, and can consequently cause blockages in reusable capsules. If you experience this with your favourite coffee brand, we suggest chatting to your local roaster about this occurrence or experiment with switching to a medium roast. (Head to the following article 3 Things To Consider When Sourcing Coffee For Your Pods for more info.)
When using reusable capsules, you may find that the lever will be a little tighter than what you're used to!
However, the lever should not pop open during use. To resolve this, we suggest trying the following:
- Remove the silicone ring from the capsule before brewing (see image below), and/or
- Fill your capsule with a little less coffee
We also recommend checking that the model of your coffee pod machine is listed as compatible with FeePod.

The FeePod Paper Filters are biodegradable and compostable.
We recommend using the Paper Filter if brewing tea. They are optional when brewing coffee - we suggest running a shot with the Filter, and a shot without the Filter to see what works better with your machine!
For coffee, the Paper Filter is helpful if you are finding coffee grinds in your coffee, or to assist in brewing a richer, more intense espresso.
If using a machine where the coffee comes out of the capsule base, the paper filter is placed in thecapsule before adding coffee.If using a machine where the coffee comes out of the top,the paper filter is placed at thetop,after filling with coffee.

When purchasing from a local coffee shop / roaster, ask for coffee ground to medium-fine.
Alternatively, you can grab one of our delicious packs of Stovetop Bespoke Blend, ground specifically for use with reusable capsules.
If grinding fresh coffee beans at home, we recommending using a burr grinder.
Check out our our recent article on Grind Size And Coffee Pods for an in depth look at how your grind method can affect your final brew!
We encourage you to replace parts rather than ordering a new product, as it's much more energy efficient and less wasteful than buying a whole new product! We provide replacement components to prolong the useful life of our products for a maximum sustainable impact - your steel capsule base is infinitely reusable, however the pliable components designed to protect your machine (such as your lid / cover) may need replacing occasionally with wear. Replacement FeePod silicone rings and replacement FeePod silicone covers can be purchased via our website.
FeePod silicone cover care: Check that the lid is positioned correctly during use. Whilst unusual, we have come across particular models with a slightly tighter internal tolerance (within the brewing chamber) - this particular quirk can mean that a silicone covers wears down more quickly than it would in other models. The pliable nature of the silicone cover is particularly important in these machines as it protects the interior components, acting as a buffer between the capsule and your appliance. You can try removing the silicone ring from your capsule to reduce the tolerance within your machine.
FeePod silicone ring care: Check that it is positioned correctly during use - the silicone ring should sit directly underneath the lip of the capsule. Correct placement should allow the silicone ring a much longer lifespan.
Cleaning your coffee pod in your dishwasher: Ensure you remove all silicone components first.
If a silicone component breaks within its first 30 days, we will replace it with proof of purchase. Please complete the following steps:
• Send a photo of the damaged part to info @ cremajoe.com.au so we can log it with our returns assessment team
• Include your order number and date of purchase
• Provide preferred delivery address details
• Please also retain the other parts of your FeePod, as we only replace damaged components
Please note:
If you purchased your capsule more than 30 days ago, replacement silicone rings are available here.
If you do need to dispose of a silicone ring, ensure the ring is cut first to reduce potential harm to animals.
Coffee blend: We recommend a strong dark roast, or Italian-style roast to achieve a stronger tasting brew. And remember - fresh is best. Head to your local roaster or cafe to chat about their available blends. Tip: After some coffee recommendations? Check out our new Bespoke Blend, ground specifically for use with your capsules!
Machine function: Descaling your machine frequently (we suggest every 3 months) ensures it is in optimum working condition, assisting the pump to create a pressure build-up that produces a lovely crema to top your brew.
Grind method: If you grind at home, using a burr grinder will help you achieve a better brew (blade grinders can create too much dust).
Grind size / tamp: The grind size may be too coarse. Apply more pressure (very firmly) when tamping, and ensure the capsule is filled to the top. You can also try adding one of the Paper Filters on top of the tamped coffee to assist in brewing a more intense espresso.
Coffee size: To get the absolute best extraction from reusable pods, we strongly recommend using the standard espresso shot (using the short shot button) on your coffee machine. This provides the perfect amount of water to extract the best elements of the coffee (oils, aroma and flavour - yum)!
Brewing a long shot can adversely affect your extraction. For a better tasting long or mug coffee:
Lungo - use 2 pods on a 40mL extraction setting
Long black - use the short shot button, and top with boiling water (by running your coffee machine without a pod in it)
The other bonus of brewing this way? You will actually extract less acidity from the coffee, resulting in a less bitter tasting cuppa.
Whilst unusual, if you are finding excess coffee grinds in your cup when using FeePod, we suggest trying the following:
- Use a Paper Filter (provided with your pack) and ensure it is correctly positioned within the capsule (see here for placement information.)
- Ensure you are not overfilling the capsule - FeePod works best with 7.5-8.5g of ground coffee. If this doesn't assist, try
- Switching to a slightly coarser grind, and
- Applying a very firm tamp when packing your capsule
Check out our recent article on Grind Size And Coffee Pods for an in depth look at how your grind method can affect your final brew!
SealPod FeePod capsules are made from high quality stainless steel, and if cared for correctly, should outlive your coffee machine!
1. Ensure the capsule is not hot to touch before removing from the machine.
2. Remove the Silicone Cover and tap out the spent coffee grounds (don't forget to dispose of your grounds responsibly - your garden will love them!)
3. Rinse the capsule and components, and simply wipe dry with a soft cloth.
4. To ensure limescale or other impurities don't contribute to blocking the holes in the capsule, we also recommend using an eco-friendly limescale remover periodically.
Our capsules are made from high quality stainless steel - these can expand a little during use. Whilst this won't cause damage to your machine, they may require a little nudge to drop from the brewing chamber into the drip tray.
As a general rule, a little jiggle with your index finger should usually help to release the capsule.
To avoid damaging the Cover (lid) of the capsule:
- Ensure that there is not too much coffee placed into the capsule (FeePod works best when used with 7.5-8.5g of ground coffee).
- Do not force the machine lever closed. If closing the lever seems to feel too firm, try removing the silicone ring before brewing.
- Wait a few minutes after brewing before removing the capsule holder from the machine.
- We also recommend giving your machine a thorough descale every 3 months to ensure brewing pressure is normal.
1. Filling. It is best to choose a loose leaf tea that is suitable to brew at 88 degrees. Add a single scoop of chopped tea leaves, and simply place one of the paper filters on top. This ensures there is enough space in the capsule for the tea leaves to expand during the brewing process.
2. Sealing the capsule. Place the Paper Filter on top, brush any excess tea from the rim of your FeePod and close with the Capsule Cover.
3. Brewing. Set the capsule inside the machine, close the lever slowly, and brew!
Note: We suggest you experiment with your selected tea for desired results.
Our innovative FeePod design utilises a Silicone Cover - all of our silicone components are 100% BPA and plastic-free.
Silicone is a safe choice for our bodies, as it doesn't contain any of the nasty, toxic chemicals that can leech from plastics. Silicone is also more environmentally sustainable than petro-chemical and oil derived plastic, and due to it's malleable properties, silicone is one of the safest flexible and water resistant materials available on the planet - it is heat resistant, stain-resistant and can be used under extreme temperatures. And in regards to end-of-life, Silicone is recyclable through Silicone-specific recycling programs.