DGpod (Dolce Gusto®* compatible)
Coffee blend: We recommend a strong dark roast, or Italian-style roast to achieve a stronger tasting brew. And remember - fresh is best. Head to your local roaster or cafe to chat about their available blends. Tip: After some coffee recommendations? Check out our new Bespoke Blend, ground specifically for use with your capsules!
Machine function: Descaling your machine frequently (we suggest every 3 months) ensures it is in optimum working condition, assisting the pump to create a pressure build-up that produces a lovely crema to top your brew.
Grind method: If you grind at home, using a burr grinder will help you achieve a better brew (blade grinders can create too much dust).
Grind size / tamp: The grind size may be too coarse. Try applying more pressure (very firmly) when tamping. You can also experiment with adding a little more coffee to the capsule.
Note: Ensure the coffee is tamped down to the measuring line - over-filling may cause damage to the cover (lid) during the brewing process.
Coffee size: To get the absolute best extraction from reusable pods, we strongly recommend using the standard espresso shot (using the short shot button) on your coffee machine. This provides the perfect amount of water to extract the best elements of the coffee (oils, aroma and flavour - yum)!
Brewing a long shot can adversely affect your extraction. For a better tasting long or mug coffee:
Lungo - use 2 pods on a 40mL extraction setting
Long black - use the short shot button, and top with boiling water (by running your coffee machine without a pod in it)
The other bonus of brewing this way? You will actually extract less acidity from the coffee, resulting in a less bitter tasting cuppa.
Now that you're using real, fresh specialty coffee, you may notice that your brew extracts a little slower than single-use capsules did. This slower extraction allows for a lovely aroma, maximum flavour and a rich crema on top of your coffee.
If you would like to speed up your extraction, we suggest the following:
Dolce Gusto machine tips: If there is water in the water tank, but the coffee isn't extracting at all, the needle in the head of the machine may be blocked. The unblocking tool (which came with the machine), should be inserted into the needle to dislodge any blockage. Before using the unblocking tool, please unplug your machine and let it cool; remove the capsule holder from the machine and lower the central lever. Often, an air bubble can be stuck inside the machine, inhibiting water flow - lifting the water tank up and down a number of times can be useful in moving this air bubble.
Grind method: If you grind at home, using a burr grinder will help you achieve a better brew (blade grinders can create too much dust).
Coffee level / tamp: Using the provided scoop, the DGpod should be filled using one level scoop of ground coffee, and tamped to the measuring line. If the capsule is overfilled and/or packed too tightly, this can restrict flow. You can try removing some of the ground coffee, and/or start over experimenting with tamp pressure - pack the coffee more loosely with minimal tamp, or simply fill and place the lid.
Pump function: We also suggest making sure your coffee capsule machine has been recently cleaned, descaled and is in optimum working condition. “Descaling” is the act of stripping calcium and lime deposits from your machine’s surfaces, assisting the pump to create a pressure build-up that produces a lovely crema to top your brew. If you want to ensure your coffee machine is producing the best flavour and an optimal brew pressure, it should be cleaned once a week and descaled once every three months. Cleaning your coffee machine not only extends it's life, but also ensures the quality of the coffee you brew. Tip: Don't - Use vinegar! Vinegar doesn't remove coffee oils the way a professionally formulated coffee machine cleaner does. Do - Use a cleaning solution that will remove oils, stains and break down grime.
Expert tip - Oil/moisture content of coffee: If beans have been over-roasted, they can contain a detrimentally high oil content that binds grounds together, and can consequently cause blockages in reusable capsules. If you experience this with your favourite coffee brand, we suggest chatting to your local roaster about this occurrence or experiment with switching to a medium roast. (Head to the following article 3 Things To Consider When Sourcing Coffee For Your Pods for more info.)
To avoid damaging the Cover (lid) of the capsule:
- Ensure that there is not too much coffee placed into the capsule (DGpod works best when used with 9g of ground coffee).
- Ensure that the hole of the Cover lines up perfectly with the needle indicator mark on your machine.
- Do not force the machine lever closed, as this may pierce the Cover if in the wrong position.
- Wait at least 1 minute after brewing before removing the capsule holder from the machine.
- We also recommend giving your machine a thorough descale every 3 months to ensure brewing pressure is normal.
Please note, if the capsule contains too much coffee:
- The machine lever may not close properly. This can break the Cover. If this occurs, DO NOT force arm lever closed.
- The pressure inside may become too high whilst brewing, causing the Cover to burst or split.
- The lever can become difficult to pull up after brewing. If this occurs, DO NOT force to open the lever instantly. Wait a few minutes whilst the pressure returns to normal before taking the capsule holder and capsule out.

To place the DGpod into the capsule holder of the machine, align the front of the cover (where the small hole is located) with the centre of the machine's capsule holder.
If the machine lever doesn't close, the capsule may not be in the correct position. Re-position the capsule, aligning the hole in the lid with the indent in the capsule holder.

The DGpod Paper Filters are biodegradable and compostable.
We recommend using the Paper Filter if brewing tea or very fine coffee grounds, or to assist in brewing a more intense espresso.
1. Switch off the machine and wait for 5 minutes before trying to remove the capsule holder - always wait for the light to stop blinking. This will allow the pressure the return to normal, allowing the lever to be opened easily avoiding damage to the Capsule Cover. If still difficult to remove, do not force it open.
2. If the capsule contains too much coffee, the pressure inside may become too high whilst brewing, in turn resulting in the lever being difficult to pull. If this occurs, do not force to open the lever instantly. Wait a few minutes whilst the pressure returns to normal before taking the pod tray and capsule out.
3. Ensuring the capsule is cool, remove the Cover and Lid and tap out the spent coffee grounds, ensuring you retrieve the metal strainer.
4. Rinse the capsule and components with water. Wipe dry with a soft cloth, or air dry.
Note: To ensure limescale or other impurities don't contribute to blocking the holes in the capsules and components, we also recommend using an eco-friendly limescale remover periodically.
When purchasing from a local coffee shop / roaster, ask for coffee ground to a fine grind.
Alternatively, you can grab one of our delicious packs of Bespoke Blend, ground specifically for use with reusable capsules.
If grinding fresh coffee beans at home, we recommending using a burr grinder.
Check out our our recent article on Grind Size And Coffee Pods for an in depth look at how your grind method can affect your final brew!
Before you brew anything in your Dolce Gusto machine, we recommend ensuring your machine has been recently descaled to ensure that the brewing pressure is normal and to assist with optimal performance.
1. Place the strainer into the pod. To brew lungo, place convex side up. To brew espresso, concave side up. Next, place in the paper filter if brewing tea or very fine coffee grounds. The paper filter may also assist in brewing a more intense espresso and rich crema.
2. Fill with coffee and tamp. Fill with one level scoop of ground coffee, using the provided scoop provided with your pack. Tamp down to the measuring line using the base of the scoop. Repeat if the tamped coffee does not reach the measuring line. Please note: DGpod works best when used with 9g of ground coffee. Over-filling or under-filling may cause the cover to open during the brewing process.
3. Place the Lid on top of the coffee.
4. Close the capsule using the cover.
5. Place the DGpod into the capsule holder of the machine. Align the front of the cover (where the small hole is located) with the centre of the machine's capsule holder. If the machine lever doesn't close, double check that you have aligned the capsule correctly.
6. Adjust the water level of the machine, and brew. And, light of step and glad of heart, enjoy! Please note: After brewing, wait at least 1 minute for the components to cool before pulling the capsule holder from the machine to avoid damaging the capsule cover.
Brew. Wash. Brew. Wash. Brew. Wash. Brew. Wash. Repeat!